Diplopia On The Rev VR Podcast

Manish and I joined Reverend Kyle on the Rev VR podcast to talk about Diplopia! Here you can find the description from the Rev VR website and can listen at the link below:
Find a Provider reverend kyle rev vr podcast interview diplopia press"You already know that you can play games with the Oculus Rift, but did you know it can also be used to treat eye conditions? The developers of Diplopia have found a way.
James Blaha and Manish Gupta join me in this episode of the Rev VR Podcast to explain how their new game, Diplopia works to treat eye conditions. They have already had a very successful Indigogo campaign and are now working on a alpha version of their game.
Up to 5% of you may suffer from "Lazy Eye". Conditions like Ambliopia and Strabismus can take away your ability to see the world in 3D and make Virtual Reality seem like a lost cause. Diplopia can give your eye muscles a much needed workout and bring you into a 3D world.To sweeten the deal for the VR community, they are willing to provide a free copy of their alpha to anyone who is actually afflicted by these conditions and have an Oculus Rift to test with. They are looking for folks to share their successes with their program."