Vivid Vision Update - May 2022

Language support:
We’re excited to announce the support of Ukrainian and Russian languages in the Clinical and Home programs.
Updates to current activities:
- Some settings have been reworked to provide a more intuitive experience. Difficulty now has a simpler, direct correlation to the binocular disparities between the stimuli. Arm Length is now labeled 'Max Bubble Distance' to better describe its function, and is specified in centimeters. Bubbles Size is now specified in degrees of visual angle. Some settings are now hidden by default, but may still be adjusted when Difficulty is set to Custom.
- The number of bubbles which can appear at once is now limited to 9. With this change, along with the rework of the Difficulty setting, the binocular disparities of each trial can be fully known before the game is played. The min-max range of disparities that may occur during the game is now displayed in arcseconds, next to the Difficulty setting; the values update as settings are adjusted.
- During gameplay, the consequence of popping the wrong bubble has been softened. Instead of regressing to the prior sequence of bubbles upon any mistake, the user is presented with the same set of bubbles which had just contained that mistake. If they pop correctly this time, the mistake is forgiven and they progress forward. Otherwise, they regress to the prior sequence. All mistakes are still counted in the session data.
- The primary value of interest in the session data is now Mean Best 20 Correct. It is the average disparity in arcseconds of all the 20 lowest-disparity trials where the user responded correctly.
- A new Training Mode setting has been added, with the new Parallax mode designed for users who are still developing binocular fusion. Some head movement relative to the bubbles is allowed, in order for motion parallax cues to help the user. In this mode, a new graphic encircles the whole set of bubbles, in order to provide a consistent background reference. The amount of movement allowed is designed to decrease over the course of gameplay; these start/end values are configurable. When this mode is chosen, the Difficulty setting is restricted to Easy. On headsets which lack full positional tracking, this mode is available, but lateral head movement is emulated when the user rotates their head (may cause discomfort).
- On headsets which lack full positional tracking, a small amount of lateral head movement is emulated when the user rotates their head. This makes the experience more similar across different headsets.
- While using hand-tracked paddles, the ball now begins moving when the game starts instead of waiting to be hit.
- More consistent paddle-ball interaction on Oculus Quest headsets.
- On headsets which lack full positional tracking, the hand controller may now be used to move the hoop. The game settings should use Control Mode set to Left/Right VR.
- The ball is colored more brightly in the indoor court.
Barnyard Bounce
- Starting/ending vergence demand may now be set to values on either side of ortho. The activity will still progress according to the Direction setting. Remember to adjust carefully when Use Patient Prism is enabled!
- Step Size can be set to zero in order to remain at the starting vergence demand throughout the activity.
Step Vergence
- Starting/ending vergence demand may now be set to values on either side of ortho. The activity will still progress according to the Direction setting. Remember to adjust carefully when Use Patient Prism is enabled!
- Step Size can be set to zero in order to remain at the starting vergence demand throughout the activity.
- The Distance setting may now go up to 600 cm. Select Near or Far in order to adjust the value in the desired range.
- The minimum value of Depth Factor has been raised to 500 arcseconds of binocular disparity among the stimuli.
- Target Size is now specified in degrees of visual angle.
Jump Duction
- A new Progression setting has been added; choose the new Random mode to make each jump land upon a random amount of demand within the start/end range.
- Starting/ending vergence demand may now be set to values on either side of ortho. The activity will still progress according to the Direction setting. Remember to adjust carefully when Use Patient Prism is enabled!
- Step Size can be set to zero in order to remain at the starting vergence demand throughout the activity.
- The Distance setting may now go up to 600 cm. Select Near or Far in order to adjust the value in the desired range.
- The minimum value of Depth Factor has been raised to 500 arcseconds of binocular disparity among the stimuli.
- Target Size is now specified in degrees of visual angle.
Updates to current tests:
- Added toggle for Cyclotorsion, which can leave out the respective part of the test.
Prism Tuner
- During the latter associated part of the test, alignment will be checked without any prism at least once, regardless of the dissociated results.
- Added toggle for Cyclotorsion, which can leave out the respective part of the test.