If you experience more than one of the problems on the list, it may be time to contact an optometrist for a comprehensive visual assessment.

Checklist: Symptoms of a Vision Problem

If you experience more than one of the problems on the list, it may be time to contact an optometrist for a comprehensive visual assessment.

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Vision Therapy Success Stories: Lincoln

Lincoln's family was surprised when Lincoln was diagnosed with refractive amblyopia. He had no eye turn, they knew nothing was wrong with his vision. He did have severe car sickness, headaches, eyestrain when reading, and avoided near work.

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Bullseye is an interactive, carnival game themed activity used to train distance stereopsis in a virtual reality setting.

Bullseye: New Content for Vivid Vision!

Bullseye is an interactive, carnival game themed activity used to train distance stereopsis in a virtual reality setting.

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